We’re interested in being the very best.
A leader and authority in the industry because we are innovative and create great work.
A company people notice, not because we advertise or have awesome press (which we can do too), but because we are clearly different/ a head above the rest of the crowd. We do this to give more to our clients--to make them the ultimate hero.
As a result, people want to work with us because they see that we are doing exceptional things for our clients.

Compassion/ Positivity / Happiness
We’re committed to being a happy team.
We practice the golden rule with each other and our clients.

Active Growth Culture
As a start-up, we learn as we grow.
We learn from our mistakes.
We're forward thinking--looking to what's next (not for the sake of innovation, but because it better serves our clients)
We're a start-up. We're not going to stay this size. We continue to grow and build a sustainable and successful company that leads our industry.
We learn from each other and for each other.
Individually, we push ourselves to grow so we can better serve each other. (This sounds weird, but it's about bringing in new ideas, knowledge, techniques and skills. And sharing them with our peers so we can learn from one another.)

We trust each other. We have each other’s backs and are here to help each other.
As a result, we don't avoid difficult conversations. We have difficult conversations. In order to learn. In order to be better. In order to trust. In order to do serve each other well.
We own our jobs. Trust that people know their jobs and can be trusted to do them.
Each team member is vital and contributes to our success.
We earn and keep our client’s trust.